[IT] È un percorso per danzatori che offre la possibilità di lavorare con coreografi italiani, europei e internazionali, un programma di danza contemporanea che si sviluppa attraverso una formazione multidisciplinare di 8 mesi che si pone come obiettivo quello di dare a 25 danzatori, dai 18 ai 28 anni selezionati tramite curriculum, la possibilità di formarsi e di andare in scena e di mettersi in relazione con altre realtà professionali.

Durante il percorso si lavorerà sulle diverse modalità d’improvvisazione, sulla ricerca coreografica, sulla scrittura dello spazio.
HUMANBODIES Program – è un progetto unico in Campania che si svolge con continuità, costanza e progressiva crescita.
Un progetto di accompagnamento dalla formazione alla creazione fino alla produzione, che accoglie artisti nazionali e internazionali operanti a livello professionale nelle discipline dello spettacolo dal vivo con specifico riferimento ai linguaggi del corpo, alla coreografia, e delle arti performative contemporanee.

[EN] HumanBodies is an intenional pre-professional program for italian and international danceRs aged 18-28 based in Napoli (Italy).
The program offers the opportunity to work with international renowned choreographers during 8 months, from October to March for a limited number of selected dancers.

An intensive dance program that guides dancers in a contemporary journey , giving the opportunity to each individual to find its own body fluidity and movement. HumanBodies brings its dancers on stage in Italy and internationally with an agreed stipendium.

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[EN] HumanBodies is an intenional pre-professional program for italian and international danceRs aged 18-28 based in Napoli (Italy).
The program offers the opportunity to work with international renowned choreographers during 8 months, from October to March for a limited number of selected dancers.

An intensive dance program that guides dancers in a contemporary journey , giving the opportunity to each individual to find its own body fluidity and movement. HumanBodies brings its dancers on stage in Italy and internationally with an agreed stipendium.

8 months between training, residencies and shows between October and May.
Weekly commitment from 4/6 days with morning schedule 10.00 – 14.00 according to the program

The program:
Training, residencies and shows with nationally and internationally renowned teachers and choreographers
The program includes different contemporary styles and choreographic repertoire by renowned international choreographers including
Contact improvisation – Floor workGaga -Flyng low and passing through – Classic for contemporary dancers

One of the pogram goal is to bring dancers on stage to increase their professional skills.
It guarantees creations with international choreographers and paid shows.

Interchange 2022-23:
Humanbodies creates international relations with other dance realities, giving the opportunity to get in contact with other international pre-professional programs and the opportunity to travel and dance at renowned dance festivals, such as:
Teatro Bellini Napoli – Teatro Nuovo Napoli – Teatro Mediterraneo Napoli– Fonderia 39 Reggio Emilia – Antichi Scenari Festival – Ravello Festival – Festival Pompei di Notte – Scavi archeologici di Pomepi – Zawirowania Festival (Warsaw) – Enclavedanza (Madrid)

The organization has a shared appartment 2 min walk from the venue, with shared bathroom,kitchen and living room at an extra cost.

Choreographers: International Choreographers: Garrett Smith, Ken Ossola, Tamas Moricz, Kristine and Sade Alleyne, Roser Lopez Espinosa, James Pett, Jeanne Yasko, Nunzio Impellizzeri, Emanuel Gat e more.

Italian Choregraphers: Emma Cianchi, Antonello Tudisco, Roberta Ferrara, Susanna Sastro, Macia del Prete, Andrea Zardi, Vittorio Bertolli, Marco de Alteriis, Fabrizio Varriale, Angelo Parisi, Laura Matano, Simona Lisi, Francesco Colaleo, Sara Lupoli and more.